Time KYC for Industry
Трудовая дисциплина и учет рабочего времени
Разбор инцидентов и профилактика нарушений
Система контроля доступа по лицу
Biometrics for Industry
• Simple contactless access control system based on face recognition algorithms

• Workplace security, employee discipline and working time tracking

  • 1
    • Blacklist search (identifying by law enforcement agencies' databases)
    The system locates all employees and sends a notification only to those staff members that are close to the identified person.
    Tasks distribution helps to maintain control even if few persons that must be controlled enter the area at the same time.

    • Counting and tracking visitors and integration with fire systems.

  • 2
    Employee discipline and time tracking
    • Recording the time when employee enters and exits the working area.
    • Analyzing employee's location at the working place and in a rest/dining area.
    • Collecting the data about employee movement and location.

  • 3
    Access control system based on face recognition algorithms
    Access to staff areas and restricted zones. The access is provided using face recognition technology as the primary or secondary authentication factor. Capability of integration with existing electronic door locks or access control systems.
  • 4
    Incident investigation and violations prevention
    • Investigation of incidents connected to the lost items in the storage area. The system identifies people that were close to the lost thing in a certain moment of time.

    • Retrospective search of wanted persons by predefined lists or by all detected people reduces costs on video archive analysis: the system analyzes time and date of visit, itineraries and other parameters.